Dr. Tyler Hales

Ladera Ranch, CA

dr tyler hales veneer consult scaled

Bio Smile Virtual Elite 

Dr Tyler Hales is a cosmetic dentist based in South Orange County, CA. Dr. Hales, along with his partner Dr. Lincoln Parker, established Hales Parker Dentistry and have been providing quality comprehensive dental care since opening the practice in 2013. Dr. Hales specializes in veneers and sleep dentistry at HPD. He is recognized as the Celebrity Dentist since working on several Bravo TV starlets. His comprehensive and contemporary approach to cosmetic dentistry is why many patients of his are traveling from all over the country to see him for their smile transformations.  

Dr Tyler Hales, a.k.a. The Bowtie Dentist: “My patients recognize me by my signature bowtie look. Growing up, my Grandpa taught me, “If you want to be the best, you need to look your best.” My bowtie has become a symbol of my pride for what I do and a dedication to excelling in my craft. Wearing a bowtie each day empowers me to show up with confidence as a dentist and an artist. As a cosmetic dentist, I strive to help my patients achieve total self-confidence. I design smiles to boost outer confidence by making my patients look as amazing as possible. I want to see my patients look and feel their best so that their smile is an expression of how truly incredible they are!” 

“My passion for cosmetic dentistry embodies a commitment to becoming the best. I have focused on that goal and have had to eliminate distractions and opposition that challenge my resolution. I often have to ask myself, “Am I willing to keep up this fight?” Becoming an expert is not just about perfecting a skill. You need to love what you do and pursue it with relentless determination.”  

Dr. Hales and his wife Audra have been married 12 years and have four children. When he is not practicing cosmetic dentistry at Hales Parker Dentistry, he can be found on the beach with his family, at the gym, and playing or watching sports. 
