Dr. Darren Greenhalgh

Mill Creek, WA

Dr. Greenhalgh received his D.D.S. from Case Western Reserve University. Upon graduation he moved back to his hometown in the northwest and has recently established a dental practice focusing on cosmetic and general dentistry in Mill Creek, WA. Dr. Greenhalgh is a CEREC® beta tester for Sirona and has moderated the Puget Sound CEREC® Study Club for the past 4 ½ years. He has lectured internationally on the proficiency of the CEREC® restorative process and is a faculty member at the prestigious Scottsdale Center for Dentistry. Dr. Greenhalgh has the wonderful opportunity to be a co-editor of CerecDoctors magazine, the only journal dedicated to CEREC® dentistry. Dr. Greenhalgh has also been chosen to be the consultant of a variety of dental manufacturers to help improve their products and designs. He is truly a valued member of the Mill Creek, WA community. Dr. Greenhalgh is happily married to lovely wife, Cynthia, and has 3 wonderful kids named Gavin, Drew, and Gillian.
