Dr. Carrie Muzny

The Woodlands, TX

While Dr. Carrie Muzny is an award-winning cosmetic dentist, she really sees herself as a confidence builder. “Creating beautiful smiles is what I am trained to do, however seeing the impact cosmetic dentistry has had on my patients is truly what brings me joy in my career.”

Dr. Carrie Muzny runs an established multi-doctor practice in The Woodlands, TX, a beautiful suburb of Houston. Dr. Muzny feels fortunate to practice in the community she grew up in and makes it a priority to give back to local community. She graduated from Texas A&M University and received her dental degree from the University of Texas Dental School in 2004. Dr. Muzny received her Fellowship in the Academy of General dentistry in 2012, an accomplishment received by less than 6% of dentists and recognizes her commitment to continuing education. She has attended some of the most elite post-doctoral programs in the country, and routinely completes over 100 hours of CE annually.

Dr. Muzny currently serves as an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics at UT Health Dental School, where she teaches cosmetic dentistry on her days off. She hopes to pass on her passion for life-long learning to her students. She also serves on the board of her church where she has attended numerous humanitarian missions to Nicaragua and Honduras to deliver much needed dental care to those who otherwise have no access to such care.

The job Dr. Muzny takes most pride in is being a wife and mother to her two teenage kids! They have a passion for snow skiing and spent a lot of their time at their vacation home and happy place in Park City, Utah! She is grateful her career allows her to balance having valuable time with her family as well as being able to excel and continually improve her skills as a cosmetic dentist.
