Dr. John Kelly

Chicago, IL

Dr. John Kelly is a cosmetic dentist that has been designing smiles for over 25 years. Impassioned with design and creating aesthetic symmetry, Dr. Kelly has focused on cosmetic dentistry and the art of the smile. Also, being intrigued by the form and function of the face and physiology, he has spent years discovering how to blend these attributes to the smile.
It is not just about teeth for Dr. Kelly. It is more about creating the smile that you thought you could never have, building the smile you deserve, and the giving you the confidence to move forward in your life. He believes your smile should help expand your confidence in family circles, social circles, and even your professional carer.

He has designed smiles for people close to home in Chicago, across the country, and even overseas. He has worked with people from all professions and all adult ages. He has spoken across the country, is published in textbooks and online, and provides continuing education for like minded professionals. From speaking, publishing, and educating other professionals he has further mastered his craft and created unique treatments and outcomes.

Now through social media Dr. Kelly strives to share his vision, and smile design process with millions of people and inspire them to explore the possibilities of a new confident smile.

Feel free to contact him at any time with any smile questions for concerns. By offering virtual consults, he will show you right way who he is, what options you have, and how much things might cost.
